Monday 4 October 2010

The Sketchbook Project Update

I ashamed to say that i have neglected my sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project. Amongst making custom orders, wedding gifts and getting prepared for Designers Marketplace my poor little sketchbook has been left untouched.
After reading my usual daily blogroll i found a few posts which instantly inspired me and reminded me to pay a little more attention to my poor old sketchbook, which has to be sent back in January and it is looking pretty sorry for itself in it's current state. Im hoping to take it to Florida with me in a couple of weeks and i will (hopefully) fill it with lots of photographs, drawings and tonnes of crafty sketchbooking stuff which is abundant and dirt cheap over there.

I mean Walmart alone has about 3 aisles dedicated to crafting and scrapbooking, Target is also one of my favourite places in the world! .... This is sad i know, but you just don't get stuff like that on that kind of scale here (in England) unless you visit places like Hobby Craft which still isn't the same and i also HATE that place.

Anyway enough of my embarrassing craft related confessions and rantings....

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